Professional Standards
Student Affairs also measures how our services, activities, programs, and facilities compare to accepted national standards. National standards frequently used, include the following:
CAS Standards (Council for the Advancement of Standards)
The are used in a variety of ways, from general reference material for our work to a program evaluation of the services, activities, programs, and facilities connected to Fraternity and Sorority Life (2014).
The pre-doctoral internship program at CAPS is accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation (CoA)
The APA-CoA's accreditation policies, procedures and guidelines are intended to be consistent with national recognized purposes and values of accreditation, as articulated by governmental and nongovernmental groups with an interest in accreditation.
Program Review
Routine program reviews are conducted with key administrative units as determined by the Vice President's office. Most recently was a master planning process for Residential Services conducted in 2023-2024.