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Sarah DiFrancesca

Assistant Director, Employer Strategy

Assistant Director, Employer Strategy

Employer industry portfolio: Arts & Culture, Education, Healthcare, Non-Profit, and Technology

As an Assistant Director of Employer Strategy, Sarah works with employers in the industries of arts & culture, tech, education, non-profit, and healthcare. Additionally, Sarah focuses on supporting the PhD advising team by providing strategic guidance to employers that recruit advanced degree candidates

Sarah earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and Psychology from Marquette University. Sarah also received her Master of Education in School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health from DePaul University. Before joining NCA, Sarah was a Senior Recruiter for marketing and events agencies, supporting client staffing needs. Most recently, Sarah was a Director of College Counseling and Alumni Support in college access supporting high school students.

In another life, Sarah might have been a professional playlist curator or interior designer. Sarah likes spending time her four nieces, attending concerts of any genre, and exploring the restaurant scene of Chicago.

Sarah’s advice for employers: “Embrace various experiences and expertise. NU students have such unique value to add to your work!”