|  | Summary
The is forecasting inclement winter weather for areas including the Evanston and Chicago campuses. Potential conditions include periods of heavy snowfall and cold temperatures, impacting travel and outdoor activities. |
| Safety tipsThose working outdoors should take the extra precautions below to ensure their safety during inclement winter weather:
- Monitor local forecasts and, if possible, reschedule outdoor work to avoid hazardous conditions.
- Prevent slips and falls by wearing proper footwear, using handrails on stairs, and walking carefully by taking short steps and at a slow pace.
- Wear several layers of clothing for insulation, including a hat and insulated gloves, and ensure that the outer layer is wind and waterproof.
- Take frequent breaks in warm, dry areas to allow your body to warm up.
- Avoid alcoholic drinks and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and warm beverages.
- Monitor yourself and your coworkers and watch for signs of cold stress, such as shivering and difficulty speaking.
| Safe winter drivingRoad hazards increase during severe winter weather due to limited visibility, ice, and snow, which could result in a vehicle accident. Follow these safe driving tips:
- Plan your route before you drive, avoid taking unnecessary trips, and find the safest route (e.g., main, well-lit roads and intersections).
- Ensure your visibility is not blocked by clearing ice and snow off your windows before driving.
- Drive at a slow and safe speed and increase your following distance between other vehicles.
| Do you want to learn more?
- Review the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and guidelines.
- Contact Environmental Health and Safety at ehs@northwestern.edu.