Campus Coalition on Sexual Violence (CCSV)
The Campus Coalition on Sexual Violence is currently on hiatus, but will return with quarterly meetings in the 2024-2025 school year.
The Campus Coalition on Sexual Violence consists of staff, faculty, community partners, and students who meet quarterly to share work being done across campus. They connect community members involved in everything from peer education to policy revision and student activism.
Quarterly meetings consist of knowledge sharing and updates from ongoing projects, and interested community members are invited to participate in a number of working groups to address gaps in sexual violence education and response on campus.
The CCSV has members from various student groups, campus departments, and community agencies and is coordinated by staff from CARE. Key campus partners include the Women's Center, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, Residential Services, and Athletics.
If you would like to attend CCSV quarterly meetings, join a working group, or get on our listserv, please email CARE at