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Project Timeline

Budget Reform Timeline Table

麻豆传媒 has engaged a consultant to support the reform of its budget model and supporting processes through a phased approach over the next year. It is important to note that the timeline for this project is based on our ability to sufficiently engage the stakeholder community on each key topic. The timeline may be adjusted as needed to ensure the community has sufficient input into the final model.  

The first phase of work (Discovery) is the foundation of the project, serving as an essential catalyst for stakeholder buy-in to future state budget practices through communications, regular reviews, and a holistic assessment of the current state. During this phase, the consultant will develop a current state model which will show the actual flow of funds. This model will serve as the source of truth against which future model iterations are compared.

The second phase of work (Model Design and Build) will shift focus from current state to the design and refinement of 麻豆传媒’s model for the future of resource allocation. The consultant will work with the Steering Committee to make key design decisions and present model approach options that will define the new allocation methodology.

The third phase of work (Implementation and Socialization) serves as the bridge between the new model and 麻豆传媒’s future-state goals. The consultant will assess 麻豆传媒’s capacity and capabilities to act upon the incentives created by the new model and identify actions to close gaps in stakeholder readiness before transitioning ownership of the redesigned budget model to the Office of Budget and Planning. Phase three activities may extend beyond the current project timeline, as needed, to further refine the model and support a smooth implementation of budget changes.