Thinking of Drinking?
If You Choose To Drink...
Set an example!
The key to optimizing the effects of alcohol (and reducing the chance of something unwanted happening) is to reach the 'social zone' slowly and then stay there. That's the green zone on the card to the right. Keeping your BAC below a .06 is another way to think of the social zone.
Here are some ways for you and your friends to stay in the social zone:
- Set a low-risk limit
- For MALES* this means no more than 4 drinks on any single day and no more than 14 per week.
- For FEMALES* this means no more than 3 drinks on any single day and no more than 7 per week.
- Pace drinks to one or fewer an hour
- This can be done by avoiding shots and drinks containing more than 1 shot of hard liquor (1.5 oz.)
- and by not participating in drinking games
- Keep track of the number of drinks consumed
- If you want to stick to your limit, you have to know how much you have had
- Choose to have One Less drink this time
- Have a plan for how to turn down (or delay) a drink
- Drink something without alcohol, like water, soda, or juice after every drink
- This helps you stay hydrated and prevent hangovers
- Eat food before and during drinking
- Food in your stomach helps slow down the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream
- Stick with trusted friends and people who don't make drinking the main event and respect your choice to not drink or continue drinking
- Always check-in to make sure everyone gets home safely (NUGuardian App)
* The terms “Male” and “Female” are used due to the way alcohol affects the sexes differently on a biological basis.
If You Choose Not to Drink...
You're not alone!
Choosing not to drink is always an option. In fact, TWENTY PERCENT of all NU undergraduates have not consumed alcohol in the past year (2022 CORE). And 1 in 2 first-year students have not consumed any alcohol in the past 12 months. (AlcoholEdu for College, 2022)
Choosing not to drink might be best if you:
- Are under 21, after all it is the law
- Have a medical condition that can be made worse by drinking
- Are taking prescription or over-the-counter medication
- Haven't eaten
- Are sick, run down or tired
- Are angry, lonely or sad
- Have consumed other drugs (illicit, prescription, and OTC)
- Have a family history of substance abuse or dependence
- Have an exam, presentation or athletic event in the coming days
- Are going to be driving soon
- Are pregnant
- Have religious or cultural reasons for abstaining
- Have an allergy to alcohol
- Just don't want to